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Twin Cities Habitat’s 1st Youth and Family Festival a Huge Success!

Twin Cities Habitat’s 1st Youth and Family Festival a Huge Success!

Family at the festivalDespite chilly temperatures and a constant downpour, over 70 individuals joined us in Jordan Park on Saturday, September 28 for our 1st Annual Youth + Family Festival! Youth, parents, community members, volunteers and staff made up the guest list at this festival that featured music, food, hands-on volunteer opportunities, games, guest speakers and walking tours of our work in the Jordan Neighborhood of North Minneapolis.

Jordan was one of areas hit hardest by the 2011 tornado that crashed through North Minneapolis. Habitat’s initial work in Jordan was as a disaster recovery provider; helping to repair dozens of roofs that were demolished by the tornado. More recently, Habitat has committed to a multi-year, concentrated presence in Jordan. Working alongside community groups, we will: help several families purchase safe, affordable homes; reduce the number of vacant houses; and increase the overall homeownership rate of the neighborhood.

Jordan neighborhoodWhile Saturday’s festival was a celebration of community and camaraderie in Jordan, it was also a chance for us to highlight the opportunities we offer to youth of all ages and their families to get involved. Guests at the fair participated in a couple hands-on volunteer opportunities. At one of our booths, Bill Kirchgessner, Ron Lewandowski, Bob Lewandowski and Josh Lewandowski led a construction project. Volunteers helped build wooden chests that will be given to each family purchasing a Habitat home in Jordan. Volunteers also helped construct a quilt sculpture that will hang in the main entrance of our new building! Finally, guests were able to visit the Youth United booth to learn more about the TCHFH program run by youth and for youth.


A big thanks to all who braved the storm with us! For those of you who were not able to join us, don’t worry! We will be hosting more Youth + Family events in the future. As always, thank you for helping us build great things!

Habitat Homeowners Connecting with their Communities

Habitat Homeowners Connecting with their Communities

Roughly 50-60 hardworking, deserving families move into Habitat homes each year. But what happens after they tackle the big move?

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Habitat's Jordan Neighborhood Revitalization Program Showing Results

Habitat's Jordan Neighborhood Revitalization Program Showing Results

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TC Habitat) launched its Neighborhood Revitalization (NR) work in 2011 in coordination with Habitat for Humanity...

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