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1 min read

Ya Londa's Family Story

When her family finally moves into their Habitat home, Ya Landa Kinchelow will be breathing easier, literally. A collapsed lung landed her in the hospital last January as a result of the poor air quality, uncontrollable thermostat and lack of air ventilation in her current apartment. She has dealt with exercise induced asthma for years, but this was her first incident of hospitalization. Ya Landa and her son have also seen an increased use of inhalers due to the stagnant, humid air in her apartment.

Living in her current housing has been a hot and miserable experience for her family, Ya Landa says, and “to have adequate cross-ventilation and clean air in my house will be like having new lungs.” A new house will make a dramatic impact in the quality of life for this family of three.

The Kinchelows only recently learned of their acceptance into the Homeownership Program, and Ya Landa remembers the day well. The call came while at work. An overwhelming sense of relief accompanied her tears of joy and gratitude after learning of her new address. She promptly brought her two sons to the house to share the news with them. Ya Landa is thrilled to see her boys, Taylor and Dale, excel in school and to be able to stay in their current schools. They remain the driving force for Ya Landa to pursue homeownership and ultimately, a better quality of life for her family.

Ya Landa’s church family has been a great source of support for her throughout her life. She is active in the music ministry and says she is grateful for the wonderful network of people in her life. Her ministry sings songs of hope, of faith and of God’s great love for the world. After acceptance into Habitat’s program, these songs have taken on new and deeper meanings for her and are true testaments to God’s great works in her life. Sometimes she has moments of disbelief or doubt about her homeownership, but she knows God will continue to guide her. “Don’t put a question mark where God put a period,” she often reminds herself.

With their new home, the Kinchelows look forward to having more privacy, improved health conditions and new and friendlier neighbors. Ya Landa has already befriended the neighbors in her new community.


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Ya Landa's Family Story

Ya Landa's Family Story

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