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1 min read

The ReFreshed ReStore

The ReFreshed ReStore

The ReStore has undergone metamorphoses. Once a gangly caterpillar of unorganized doors, miscellaneous fixtures, and a poorly placed front desk, the ReStore wrapped itself in a cocoon of volunteers and generous support from Target in late March, and has now finally emerged as a beautiful new butterfly.

Left: Check out desk before the refresh. Right: Current check-out desk. Before and After

Yesterday, Fox 9 stopped by to check out our wares, too. 

If you’ve been to the ReStore before, you’ll definitely want to see it now with its new look. If you haven’t been to the ReStore, now is the perfect time to check the place out! The changes aren’t dramatic, but you’ll definitely have an easier time finding what you need while being reminded of the community-minded mission of the ReStore while you shop.

Now that spring is (almost) here, you might be feeling an itch to fix some things up around your house. Or maybe you’re feeling creative and want to build something out of reused furniture, cabinets, or Either way, the ReStore has affordable and green solutions that will make your project a breeze.

ReStore Recap: Join the VIP Club, DIY Contest Winners, and More!

ReStore Recap: Join the VIP Club, DIY Contest Winners, and More!

We’ve reached peak summer here in Minnesota – the long sunny days and warm temperatures make for great weather to get some DIY projects done outside....

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Check Out the Newly Remodeled ReStore

Check Out the Newly Remodeled ReStore

If you’re a ReStore regular, prepare to be shocked! The New Brighton ReStore has been totally redone and it is dramatically different than it was...

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ReStore Recap: From Window Installations to Toys for Tots!

ReStore Recap: From Window Installations to Toys for Tots!

The Twin Cities Habitat ReStore team is geared up and ready for the holiday season. With new DIY projects, donations, and ways to get involved with...

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