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1 min read

Developing a Rhythm

Developing a Rhythm

Our second building day has come to a close and our group of twenty-two is beginning to develop a nice rhythm, learning a little more about one another. As a result, I find myself consistently blown away by my fellow travelers. 

One could complain if you wanted to—the days begin at 6:30am and are spent in the blazing sun, hauling dirt, mixing cement and digging, digging until you feel as though there is no way you could possibly lift one more shovel of dirt. Instead, I am welcomed in the morning (at the coffee pot of course) by smiling faces and excited anticipation for the day to come. At our mid-day meal, we sit around eating, laughing, enjoying each other’s company and getting to know the family who will move into home we are building. Evenings are spent reminiscing about the more memorable moments of the day. There is never a negative (or dull) moment. Each person here is dedicated to the project, dedicated to family we are working with and dedicated to TCHFH’s mission.

Costa Rica 2

As an employee of TCHFH, I am so full of pride at this moment. Watching these folks take time from their everyday lives, jobs and families, to travel to a foreign country and WORK is inspiring. And it is all done in the name of our common cause, to provide those in need with a decent and affordable place to call home. I enthusiastically look forward to what the rest of this wonderful week has to bring! 

-Haley Wotzka
A New Start

A New Start

I am awestruck at the beauty I see during Global Village trips. This trip is no exception. We opened our day today with two very special readings...

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Twin Cities Habitat In Costa Rica

Twin Cities Habitat In Costa Rica

Guest Blog by Kate Loe, Twin Cities Habitat Staff & Global Village Volunteer Our “super group” of 30 traveled from San Jose to Guanacaste province...

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Habitat's Global Village Costa Rica January Trip, Day 1

Habitat's Global Village Costa Rica January Trip, Day 1

Guest Blog by Nick Archer, Global Village Team Member With our first day complete here in beautiful Cartago, Costa Rica, I can report that we are...

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