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Old Third Townhomes to be dedicated Saturday

Old Third Townhomes to be dedicated Saturday

affordable housing mn2 p.m. on Saturday, June 9, at 931-945 NE Third Avenue, Minneapolis

Nestled in Northeast Minneapolis a little south of the vibrant Arts District and just across the river from downtown Minneapolis sits Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity’s Old Third Townhomes. This eight-unit structure completes a long redevelopment process of some previously vacant land. Influential in providing support for the project were the Saint Anthony East Neighborhood Association and Minneapolis City Council.

Along the way Old Third played host to the tenth annual CEO Build which saw more than three dozen business executives and civic leaders frame garages, put up sheetrock and paint alongside Habitat homebuyers. In addition the project served as a home for The Idea Open. There volunteers from diverse backgrounds built together and brainstormed ways to build bonds and work together across cultures and faiths in our community. From there participants submitted their ideas with the winners receiving $15,000 to see their thoughts come to life.

A special thanks goes out to row sponsor Wells Fargo for their support with cash donations and volunteers on site. Over the years Wells Fargo has contributed to more than 50 homes since 2001. Moreover Habitat’s Builder’s Circle and Entrepreneur’s House spent a week volunteering and provided over $120,000 each towards the project.

Old Third began to take shape in March of 2009 and will now be dedicated Saturday with the celebration open to the public. That day eight more families will be recognized for their hard work during the construction process and homebuyer classes.

Homebuyer Ahmed Gedi and his wife, Iman Mohamud are counting the days until the big move, “We are so thankful to have the chance to purchase a home from Habitat,” said Ahmed. “And to top it off the location is right on the bus line with good schools nearby.”

An opportunity to socialize and tour the homes will follow the dedications. Click hereor E-mail sarah.hutson@tchabitat.org for more details.

By Patrick Dunn, Twin Cities Habitat

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