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2 min read

A Brush with Kindness makes home improvements for disabled family

A Brush with Kindness helps dozens of individuals and families struggling to overcome disabilities so they can continue to live in a safe, healthy home. ABWK assists these families with critical home improvement projects that include accessibility ramps, handrails and a variety of other home maintenance projects.

Carl and Lisa have lived in their home for six years with their two young children, Carly Anne and James. When they first saw the house, it seemed like just the right fit. They have worked to make some improvements, and it has been a slower process than they initially expected. They hope to live in their home for 25- plus years and, some day, pass it on to their children.

In 2010, Lisa lost most of her vision to a cornea eye disease, and their children also have been diagnosed with the same disease. Carl says, “We are so overwhelmed by doctor bills, prescription costs, et cetera, that I’m having to not fix up the house in a way my wife needs it to be to be safe.”

Carl and Lisa were referred to A Brush with Kindness by a vision loss organization. They were so overjoyed to be chosen for the program.

ABWK staff, with the help of some of our experienced regular volunteers, addressed safety needs by installing a handrail upstairs and installing a fence around the backyard.

“Your help will help my wife live a more productive life and keep my children safer. I won’t have to worry when I leave for work every day,” Carl said. Lisa said it is most difficult to see when she is outside. She would worry about the kids being in the yard without always knowing exactly where they were. Now she can let her children play freely outside and not worry about them getting into the street.

The family is vegetarian, and the garden is a big part of their lives. In the summer, they eat right out of the garden, and the kids are involved and enjoy learning about it. They enjoy eating outdoors as well, so the fenced-in backyard will provide a private environment for family time.

Lisa has a desire to travel. Since Lisa and the children have eye problems, they want to experience as much of the world as they can before their vision is totally gone. Lisa hopes to travel to Europe. The kids would like to go to Disney World. It is hard for her to get around because she is not able to drive. She is also looking forward to having the light rail come to her community so she can experience more of the Twin Cities.

All her neighbors have been asking about the work, and they are very happy for the family. Lisa plans to tell her neighbors about the program so they can apply.

If you or someone you know has a disability that makes it difficult for them to maintain or repair their home, contact A Brush with Kindness to apply for help: 612-788-8169; email abwk@tchabitat.org.

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