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1 min read

Habitat on the Hill nears as housing bonds hang in balance

The clock is ticking! Habitat on the Hill is just TWO weeks away! If you haven't already registered, NOW is the time! 

Last week the Senate released their bonding numbers: including $36 million for housing! $30 million is for Housing Infrastructure Bonds and $6 million is for Public Housing renovations. We are thrilled—thank you to the Senators for recognizing the importance of bonding for housing this session and for all the people who made sure their voice was heard on the issue.

Although this is great news, this money is not secured. Legislators must meet in conference committee to come to agreement on a final number. This is an important time for constituents to let their legislators know just how important affordable housing is and why funding it needs to be a priority. Join us in doing so at Habitat on the Hill on April 17, 2012! No experience is necessary.

We will keep you updated on the status of the bonding bill. A bonding commitment by the Legislature will help a number of important projects get off the ground that wouldn't otherwise have the funding to go forward.
Bonding bill will include affordable housing - Thank you advocates!

1 min read

Bonding bill will include affordable housing - Thank you advocates!

Update: Advocacy Continues ... In the Final speeches on the House Floor the Housing Advocates were recognized by Rep. Hausman for our continuous...

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Calling Habitat for Humanity Housing Heroes: now is the time to act!

Calling Habitat for Humanity Housing Heroes: now is the time to act!

“Who is a hero?” Sue Haigh, President and CEO of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCHFH), asked that question at a recent gathering of 100 of the...

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With election season around the corner, housing advocacy continues

With election season around the corner, housing advocacy continues

Affordable housing advocates saw a huge win this legislative session, securing $37.5 million for affordable housing in the bonding bill. However,...

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