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1 min read

For ReStore, Power of "Like" is strong

For ReStore, Power of

The Like button on a Facebook page and its “thumbs-up” symbol may mean yes, I agree, or I’m interested, I support you, tell me more. Last October, the ReStore page had 115 Likes. Now the page has 365 fans, a modest increase that means that 250 more people may become ReStore customers.

Likes can grow more Likes. Facebook administrators tell us that ReStore’s 365 fans together have about 1,000 friends on Facebook who also are interested in home improvement. Wow—if every ReStore fan told their friends to Like ReStore’s page . . .

But the real power of Like resides in the individuals behind the click. ReStore aims to build, from the people who Like its page, a community that supports the ReStore  mission: to provide low-cost building materials, divert usable materials from landfills, and produce revenue for Twin Cities Habitat’s homeownership programs.

ReStore Facebook posts have several themes:

• DIY: For example, how to install a bathroom faucet, rewire a lighting fixture
• Recent donations: Brand-name windows, stone and marble tile, like-new kitchen cabinets; and more humble, but useful, items such as work gloves, shutters
• Repurposing: Turn an old bureau into a kitchen island
• Habitat news: Global Village, Give to the Max, Veterans Day Housing Advocacy, repairing tornado-damaged homes in Minneapolis
• Environmental issues, energy conservation, recycling resources

Have you Liked the ReStore Facebook page? Give us a thumbs-up now!

ReStore Facebook

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ReStore offers free e-cycling, discounts on Earth Day

1 min read

ReStore offers free e-cycling, discounts on Earth Day

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A Day on the Road with ReStore

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A Day on the Road with ReStore

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