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Habitat on the Hill DC 2012

Habitat on the Hill DC 2012

Habitat advocates meeting with Rep. Erik PaulsenThe biggest thing I've learned here in DC at Habitat's annual lobbying event is that along with building all those homes for all those families you have helped us build a mountain of good will. Every member of Minnesota's congressional delegation welcomed us so warmly because of the sterling reputation of Habitat and its work.

We started the day meeting with Rep. Erik Paulsen in his personal office. It (like all the offices we visited) was fully decked out with Minnesota mementos including a beautiful canoe hung from the wall. We spoke with Rep. Paulsen about the importance of preserving funds for the AmeriCorps program. We also asked that the highly successful SHOP (Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program) have a portion of its funding restored after being cut in half last year. Twin Cities Habitat leverages this money by bringing together $12 dollars of private investment for every $1 dollar of public investment - it is critical to our work.

We also informed the Congressman about our work with Veterans, our weatherization work and Habitat's international building efforts.

After leaving Rep. Paulsen, we met with staffers from the offices of Sen. Franken, Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Walz, Rep. Kline, Rep. Ellison and Rep. McCollum. Every where we went we heard the message that Habitat is a wonderful organization. However, we also heard that the budgeting process is going to be a tricky.

If you support us through volunteering or donating please take the next logical step and become an advocate for Habitat. Contact your Representative and our Senators and tell them to preserve funding for AmeriCorps and increase funding for SHOP. Visit www.tchabitat.org/advocate to learn more.

Stand Up, Speak Out: Habitat on the Hill 2017

Stand Up, Speak Out: Habitat on the Hill 2017

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Personal Reflection: Habitat on the Hill - D.C. 2018

Personal Reflection: Habitat on the Hill - D.C. 2018

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Twin Cities Habitat's 2025 Federal Priorities

1 min read

Twin Cities Habitat's 2025 Federal Priorities

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity just returned from Habitat on the Hill in Washington, DC, for our annual conference and hill day with affiliates...

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