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Join us for the 16th Annual Raise the Roof Golf Tournament

Join us for the 16th Annual Raise the Roof Golf Tournament

With the warm weather finally here its time to start brushing up on your golf game and make plans to join us for the 16th Annual Raise the Roof Golf Tournament on Monday August 8th.  The tournament will take place at the Minneapolis Golf Club on a private course with the option of playing either a morning or afternoon round.  The game will be played in the scramble format and all ages and skill levels are welcome.  

DSC06177 resized 600Along with the golf tournament, there will be silent auction items on every hole and a raffle.  Bid on items from restaurant gift cards to passes for golf courses around the state.  Our goal is to raise enough money to sponsor a Habitat home and continue working towards our mission to eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities.  It's a great way to enjoy a beautiful day out on the course with friends and co-workers and support the efforts of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity at the same time. 

Gather your group and help us exceed the $78,000 we were able to raise last year, online registration is open until July 22nd.  Corporate sponsorships are still available.  For more information contact Kathy Tolo at kathryn.tolo@tchabitat.org or call 612-305-7127.


7:00 a.m.- Registration Opens
8:00 a.m.- Shotgun Start
12:30 p.m.- Lunch & Silent Auction

12:30 p.m.- Registration Opens
1:30 p.m.- Shotgun Start
6:30 p.m.- Dinner & Silent Auction

$250 for an individual golfer
$1,000 for a foursome
$2,500 for an Eagle Sponsorship

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