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1 min read

Total Transformations with help from the ReStore!

Total Transformations with help from the ReStore!

Recently, a few Twin Cities ReStore shoppers took to social media to share their ReStore projects with us. 

Mallory M DIYMallory recently put the finishing touches on her decorative DIY project after picking up a new window and a few pieces of trim.

"Hey!!! Wanna say thanks for everything!" - Mallory via the ReStore Facebook Page

About a week later, we heard from Derek, who had completed his nine month  bathroom remodel with materials he found at the ReStore. He shared his photos of the transformation (below)- we think it turned out great! 

"Here's the bathroom update I did in my house using all that tile I've been buying from you. Except for the light fixtures and the faucet, everything here came from the ReStore. Thanks!" - Derek via the ReStore Facebook Page

   Derek's ReStore Bathroom Makeover Derek's ReStore Bathroom Makeover Derek's ReStore Bathroom Makeover

Three more great projects that popped up on our Facebook page were from Rachelle, a local furniture designer/artist, whose furniture and home decor transformations (named "Belle Junque") are sold at a local shop in Wisconsin. According to her blog, Rachelle finds older/used items and "transforms them into elegant and functional pieces for the home. It is about creativity, frugality, and design, as well as using 'green' products to recreate old items." Here are photos of her latest creations using pieces she found at the ReStore (photos courtesy of the Belle Junque Facebook Page):

Belle Junque Transformation


Belle Junque 2        Belle Junque Door Project

Thank you to Mallory, Derek and Rachelle for sharing your ReStore transformations with us! 

Do you have a DIY project you completed with items from the ReStore? We'd love to see them! They might even be featured in a feature social media post, blog article or highlighted in a ReStore Hot Deals email.

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