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Team #2 Costa Rica| Day 3

The following article was contributed by a Global Village trip participant.

Buenos Dias to our many followers!  After the gripping Day 1 & 2 blogs, courtesy of the Queen of Hearts, I am certain we have many waiting to follow our adventures. 

Another day in paradise…literally.  We began today with devotions led by Mo and Thomas.  There were three key ideas they asked that we think about today including not to worry about what “they” think, not to cherish things, and to be certain to laugh at ourselves first.  All good things to keep in mind in our day to day lives, but especially to think about while we are here, where the people are so kind and generous, while living very simply and often with little material possessions.  After devotions, off to the work site. 

Unlike yesterday, when our Costa Rican team leader, Luis, told us we had the choice of either digging holes or digging holes, today was a day with many choices including digging trenches, putting up posts for walls or digging a hole for the septic tank.  Many, myself included, began the day with a burst of energy, but by the end of the day heat and fatigue slowed the pace some.  Still, we are moving at a good pace and are able to see our efforts begin to come to fruition.

While at the worksite, we continue to be hosted daily for a wonderful lunch and snacks by women in the Biolley community at a Community Center the women built themselves.  The center is doubly impressive due to the amount of recycled materials were used in its creation!  Some of the ladies from the community also had wonderful jewelry and other items they had made available for sale.

Following the work day we were invited to play a futbol/soccer match with the local community.  Many of us weren’t sure if we had the energy after a day of house building, but sure enough we muster up a little and had a great, memorable time.  Who knew that Ford would be our MVP? 

Then to wrap up an incredible day, we dined on a fantastic meal of Tilapia, Heart of Palm, rice and salad.  Wonderful!

With a 6 a.m. breakfast and 7 a.m. on the bus to the worksite call tomorrow, a little ibuprofen and rest are much needed.  So, signing off for today.  One last thought…there is no better way to visit and really experience another country, experience the culture, feel humility and gratitude, and give back.  Go Habitat! Pura Vida!



Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014 Post #2

The following entry was contributed by a Global Village team member.

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Team #2 Costa Rica |Day 2

The following article was contributed by a Global Village trip participant.

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Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014 Day 6

The following entry was contributed by Global Village team members.

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