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Team #2 Costa Rica |Day 2

The following article was contributed by a Global Village trip participant.

It was an early morning start for day 1 of our humanitarian work, and our trip leader Noah, set the stage for a very successful week with an inspirational speech about dendrites. I know… it sounds confusing but you really had to be there; it was great!

We broke into two teams and began digging holes in the foundation for the homes, Team Noah vs Team Haley. It was amazing to see the enthusiasm and energy from the teams to complete the first stage of the home building process. Even in the blazing sun, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work, reminding each other to take breaks and assisting one another in getting our tasks done. We were helping each other help the community. It was a truly beautiful experience that only made me more excited for the remainder of the week.

On our breaks, we were hosted by the local restaurant where we were served fresh fruit, coffee, rice and beans, and of course, fried plantains. The local community members were grateful to meet our Habitat family and hosted us, in true Costa Rican fashion, with kindness and enthusiasm (more details of this group to come on Thursday’s blog!). Our work day ended with a tour of the town and a small celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

Only two days into the journey, I am already humbled by the experience and truly blessed to have met 25 strangers that have now become my habitat family. Sitting at the mosaic tiled bar, sipping on my freshly squeezed fruit juice, and listening to the crickets chirp after a heavy Costa Rican rainfall, I know that I am in for a journey of a lifetime. Until tomorrow, readers!


The Queen of Hearts     

Team #2 Costa Rica | "The Walls Are Up!" Day 5

The following posts were contributed by Global Village trip participants.

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Costa Rica 2015 | Team #2

Costa Rica 2015 | Team #2

Guest Blog by Jon Slock, Global Village Team Member Greetings from Buenos Aires (Costa Rica)! We all met up at the Marriott next to the San Jose...

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Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014 Day 4

The following entry was contributed by a Global Village team member.

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