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2 min read

Come be a Housing Hero with Habitat!

Despite the frigidly cold winter, Twin Cities Habitat’s advocacy program is heating up as we head into spring! While Habitat for Humanity may be best known for building and preserving safe, affordable homes, we also carry out our mission – to make safe, decent, affordable housing for all people a matter of conscience – by advocating on behalf of those without access to affordable homes. Last year, as part of the Homes For All Alliance, we secured a $33 million boost for housing and homeless services in the state budget, which directly impacted thousands of families across Minnesota. However, we’re still playing catch-up from the economic crisis, and there is much work left to do. This year we are asking for $100 million for affordable homes. We know that investing in housing:

• Benefits all of us.
• Stabilizes families.
• Helps kids succeed in school.
• Strengthens communities
• Has a great return on investment.

With the help of all our supporters, we can achieve our goal of $100 million in bonds for affordable homes—money that is desperately needed throughout Minnesota and will be used to build and rehabilitate supportive housing, preserve federally-assisted affordable housing, and stabilize communities impacted by the foreclosure crisis.

Calling all Housing Heroes!
This year we wanted to revamp our program with a new identity that would define us as a group, make us more visible at the capitol, and increase the power of our collective voice. With help from our advocates we selected Habitat Housing Heroes. Why the super hero theme? With more than 600,000 households in Minnesota paying more than they can afford for housing, and at least 14,000 Minnesotans experiencing homelessness on any given night, we believe that the thousands of Twin Cities Habitat supporters who do not sit by while members of their community struggle to afford housing are true heroes.

The first mission of our Habitat Housing Hero was a success! Our hero delivered over 600 signatures to Mark Dayton asking legislators to make a commitment towards strong vibrant communities by creating quality, affordable homes. Watch the video below!

Our second mission is for you to easily ask your legislators to support $100 million for affordable homes through a fun postcard campaign complete with a traveling photobooth. (Look for us at any Habitat and other events around town, and you can sign a postcard to your legislators, pose for a picture with some construction gear if you want, and we’ll deliver the postcards for you! Check out these pictures of Habitat homeowner families and friends who all participated in our postcard campaign!) Our next mission: Habitat on the Hill – MN 2014.

This year, 100+ of our supporters and homeowners are going to become housing heroes by raising their voices at the state Capitol, and you can too! Join us on April 8th for our fifth annual Habitat on the Hill – MN. We will urge our legislators to prioritize funding for affordable housing with our ask of $100 million. This will be a great way for everyone who supports our mission to share with their senators and representatives why we love Habitat and how safe, decent, affordable homes are crucial to a strong and vibrant community.

We provide plenty of training and work in teams so everyone feels comfortable and has a great time. Watch this video to get a better of idea of what it’s like. Registration and parking are free, lunch is provided, and you’ll receive a free Housing Hero T-shirt!

Bring your friends, family, or kids. Visit our website for more information, and feel free to contact Rebecca Lucero with any questions: Rebecca.Lucero@tchabitat.org, (612) 305-7136.

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BUILD LOUDER – Raising Your Voice in Support of Affordable Housing

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Calling Habitat for Humanity Housing Heroes: now is the time to act!

“Who is a hero?” Sue Haigh, President and CEO of Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCHFH), asked that question at a recent gathering of 100 of the...

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Making Our Voices Heard at Habitat on the Hill MN 2018

Making Our Voices Heard at Habitat on the Hill MN 2018

Guest blog by Caitlin Magistad, Twin Cities Habitat Staff On April 26, more than 115 Habitat Housing Heroes took over the Minnesota Capitol to...

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