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2 min read

Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014 Day 7

The following entry was contributed by a Global Village team member.

Today is the day all of us have been dreading for the whole week. Not only did we have to say goodbye to Meagan, as she is staying in Biolley for a few more days, but we had to get up even earlier than all the other days. Let me just say that as a general rule, if the sun is not up, that is a sign that you shouldn’t be either. Especially for some of us who either didn’t sleep (Kate), stayed up till 1 or 2 AM (Rebecca and Tracy), or stayed up until midnight (me) partying, it wasn’t pleasant. But we somehow managed to get everyone on the buses and ready to go by 6 ish. Our day was one big roller coaster, literally. The way down the mountain brought us not only above and below the clouds, but also IN the clouds. The way down was muddy and bumpy but taking into account my experience of roller coasters, that isn’t far from the truth. (Today is a very long and detailed roller coaster by the way).

I have big news everyone! I am a physic! Yesterday after our lovely balloon party in the bus, I said it would be more fun if we rode back on one bus. Then I realized that having a ton of luggage and about 25 people on one bus for 10ish hours (the number just keeps getting longer and longer) might be a little crowded. But hey! It worked! Shortly after having escaped from the rocky road, both busses needed some pampering after the exhaustion of the descent, and David’s bus needed a wheel change and Mau’s bus needed some rocks out of the wheels. We fixed up both busses and then Kate dropped the “I forgot my luggage” bomb on us. She just couldn’t bear the thought of leaving, so she left her luggage in hopes that that would cause us to turn and be forced to stay longer. I’m surprised more people didn’t have that idea. Unfortunately for us her plan didn’t work out the way she’d hoped. While David’s bus was being fixed, Mau’s bus took Kate and Juan Carlos halfway to meet a motorcycle with her bag. The rest of us watched as Vicky made some new friends (as usual) and we all played with the puppy, Panolo. Then we all crammed into ONE BUS and kept going.

I’ve decided that David’s bus gets the "Most Improved" award of the day. After getting its left tire fixed in the morning, it went about another two hours or so before the right tire went flat. So there was another half hour of maintenance before lunch, where we were joined by Mau, Kate and Juan Carlos. By this time, considering how much we were all sweating, I didn’t think sticking together would be much of a problem.

I’m not entirely sure how to describe the rest of the afternoon, because it was very confusing. Some people went to this one beach, and some people went to this other beach, and then later we found out that they are actually connected by a path. The path turned out to be crocodile infested waters. Or so the sign said; (perhaps it was lost in translation, but we like to think it wasn’t).

Here is a summary of our activities: We saw some monkeys and some sloths, and we drank some salt water, and got a sand bath. The rest of the trip was a simple bus ride with a short stop at a souvenir shop, where we spent all the rest of our colones... just kidding, everything except 34$.

Alrighty we’re here now, instead of thinking of some cute poetic way to end this thing, I’ll just go with what they say; Hasta Luego y Pura Vida!





Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014

The following entry was contributed by Global Village team members.

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Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014 Day 5

The following entry was contributed by Global Village team members.

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Habitat's Global Village Trip | Costa Rica 2014 Day 4

The following entry was contributed by a Global Village team member.

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