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Many people know Alexis Thompson as the co-host of Jason & Alexis, the morning show on My Talk radio. But what many people don’t know about her is that she loves to DIY! 

 Alexis spent a couple hours at the new South Minneapolis ReStore Saturday morning doing DIY projects with shoppers. Alexis, with the help of the ReStore’s own Jan Hagerman, assisted customers in creating wonderful looking coasters out of four simple materials: tile (which you can buy at the ReStore!), sharpies, rubbing alcohol, and polyethylene.ALEXIS_and_child

Customers of all ages got involved with this hands on project! Some customers came in specifically to meet Alexis, and became inspired to browse the store and find their own DIY projects. Other customers came in to find furniture and materials for their personal DIY projects, but ended up making some coasters to take home as well. One customer bought a chandelier to create an outdoor solar light for her patio.

When asked why she supports the ReStore, Alexis responded, “The ReStore is such a great place for upcycling. You never know what you are going to find and for such great prices!”

Look out for more DIY projects at the Minneapolis and New Brighton ReStore and check out Jan Hagerman every other Friday morning on WCCO morning show for more fun and easy DIY projects!

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