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2012 Broomball-A-Palooza

2012 Broomball-A-Palooza

At 9:00 AM on Saturday, February 4th, the first ever Broomball-A-Palooza match began with a fury at McMurray Fields in St. Paul. There was something odd about this game, though... the players were running on a turfed soccer field! Unusually warm weather had destroyed the ice on the broomball courts earlier in the week, though there was no trace of that warmth on this particularly frigid morning. Fortunately, the soccer fields provided a wonderful emergency substitute for ice and our broomball tournament became one of field hockey. All of our teams put on a terrific display of coordination and sportsmanship, but alas, only two could walk away with medals to show for their hard work. Congratulations to our Broomball-A-Palooza 2012 champions, the Vader Haters, and our Runners-up, the Sweeping Beauties!

Update written by - Matt, Youth United Co-chair

Habitat's Garage-A-Palooza

Habitat's Garage-A-Palooza

On October 3rd, Habitat in partnership with Frogtown Neighborhood Association, Veteran’s Voices, and Frogtown Rondo Home Fund and with funding...

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Women of habitat luncheon preview

Women of habitat luncheon preview 

Having a safe, stable and affordable home impacts many aspects of a family’s life; Education is one of the areas where we see a dramatic influence.

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Raise A Glass for Habitat

Raise A Glass for Habitat

Habitat's Young Professionals Network is hosting the 4th annual Raise A Glass For Tomorrow fundraiser on Thursday, June 15!

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