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Clover Field homes in Chaska

Clover Field homes in Chaska

The four single-family homes being built are situated in Clover Field, one of four neighborhoods within the Clover Ridge development. In April 2007, Habitat for Humanity International CEO Jonathan Reckford attended the groundbreaking of this site. He said, “Today we are recognizing that the affordable housing crisis is not confined to the inner city, but that a real need exists in the suburbs as well.”

The four homes will be on narrow lots, and the project will have a pedestrian-oriented design. There will be alleys and sidewalks for a more urban feel, as well as nearby trails, schools, and access to public transportation. The Clover Field houses can be characterized as a smart growth development because of the small lots, alleys and smaller houses.

Twin Cities Habitat will continue to build houses in Chaska in various stages until 2011.

Quick Facts:
Type of housing: 4 single family homes
Location: West-Central part of Chaska, Minnesota 
Number of families served:
Architect: Habitat for Humanity- John Hall and Christy Chase


April 2007: Clover Field (Stage 1) Groundbreaking
September 2007:
Clover Field Dedication
May 2008:
Stage 2 Ground Breaking
September 2008:
Stage 2 Dedication
March 2009:
Stage 3 Ground Breaking
May 2009:
Stage 4 Ground Breaking
July 2009:
Stage 5 Ground Breaking
August 2009:
Stage 3 and Stage 4 Dedications
October 2009:
Stage 5 Dedication
Spring 2010:
Stage 6 Ground Breaking
Fall 2010: Stage 6 Dedications

Construction Staff:
Field Manager: Doug Rudquist
Sr Site Supervisor: David Michaelson
Site Supervisor: Craig Norton

Special Build:
In May of 2008, a Home Builders Blitz took place in Chaska. Home Builders Blitz is a partnership between professionals in the residential home building industry and Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity. With the help of construction professionals, complete homes are built within a matter of days.

Site History:
Over the past several decades, the city of Chaska has seen a rapid population growth. Many years ago, the small town had a population of fewer than 7,000. Now, the town has grown to about 20,000, and is expected to reach 35,000 in the coming years. Clover Field has been a 5-year, on-going project for the City of Chaska. The mixed-use development will include single family homes, apartments, condominiums and commercial space. A new addition to the Clover Ridge area is the Clover Field Marketplace, a 7,000 square foot commercial and residential space in western Chaska.

Fun Facts:
Money magazine by CNN recently published an article titled "Best Places to Live: Top 100." Chaska, MN landed on the top of the list at number 8.

Sponsors & Partners:
Legacy Sponsor:
Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity (Thrivent Financial for Lutherans)

Community Sponsor:

SHOP (Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program)

For more information about the organizations, click on the sponsor name.



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