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Habitat volunteers are needed in Shakopee

Habitat volunteers are needed in Shakopee

Twin Cities Habitat crews have been busy in the southwest metro this summer. They've built (or are building) two homes in Jordan, four homes in Savage and four homes in Shakopee. This week members of the Shakopee Chamber of Commerce are working two of the homes on Philipp Way.

Shakopee Chamber of Commerce volunteers

The day I visited they were building the sub-floor for a home that'll be sponsored by Delta Airlines. Across the street, electricians were wiring a home that is much further along. These homes are down the street from one that is being built by volunteers and funds supplied by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and its partner congregations. Thrivent is Twin Cities Habitat's single largest supporter. We've gotten great support from local churches, businesses and individuals - but we need even more big-hearted helpers to finish all these homes in time for the Habitat families to buy them.Shakopee Habitat home

A Habitat home is also going up on Morab Avenue near Shakopee High School. It's framed and waiting for more volunteers to help with the roofing and interior wall work. Site Supervisor Craig says he could use a lot more help so the project can stay on track. If you, or a group you belong to, want to volunteer for a day, a week or on an ongoing basis please click on the link below.

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Thrivent Builds helping with busy summer in Shakopee

Thrivent Builds helping with busy summer in Shakopee

Twin Cities Habitat volunteers will be building a total of four homes in the coming months in one development in Shakopee. The first home of this...

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Shakopee - Home going up fast thanks to hardworking volunteers

Shakopee - Home going up fast thanks to hardworking volunteers

Twin Cities Habitat volunteers are pretty familiar with Philipp Avenue in Shakopee. In the past few years they've helped build six homes and now a...

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First of four Habitat homes underway in Savage

First of four Habitat homes underway in Savage

Twin Cities Habitat volunteers will be busy in city of Savage this summer. They'll be building four homes next to each other on Hampshire Lane. The...

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